
Hello! Shalom! Aloha! Mabuhay!

If this is your first visit to Modern Apocrypha, I have only two recommendations for continuing on with minimal confusion:

1) Please begin with the first introductory post (found HERE) and work your way forward. Almost all the posts on this blog flow chronologically and will make more sense with the background and context of previous ones. Jumping in anywhere might be disorienting.

2) Please read along in the texts posted off to the right. I try not to summarize too much in the commentary and discussion, and being at least somewhat familiar with what we're discussing or I'm commenting on will be most beneficial and edifying for all involved. Plus, going along with the theme of this blog, any hidden truths to be brought to light will be found within the text itself and not necessarily within my ramblings.

Okay, fine, three recommendations:

3) Please read with an open heart, mind, and spirit. See what truths you can find in these works--ones which speak to you. Namaste : )

Monday, May 30, 2016

ANOTHER ELISHA Q&A... (from last August)

So as part of this catching up thing, I'm working back through old drafts, topics, and other newsworthy items that didn't get published over this past year. One such item was Elisha posting answers to more questions back in August on the official website. Here's a quick rehash; the full version can be found HERE.

What is the "other work of translation" that you were commanded to start five years after the first? (This was one of my questions from Visions 3, Part 5.)
"I can't answer that at this time. It will be known soon."

Thanks, Elisha ; ) Here are my musings from Visions 3, Part 5:
However, [the Lord] also speaks of "another work of translation", and at this moment, I'm not sure what that entails, but it would've been translated in 1991 or thereabouts. From Christ's words, it seems to be something other than a record of the people of the islands.
Are you authorized to confer priesthood authority on others?
"The priesthood of God is given through the offices in His church. This movement is primarily based on the freedom of this people in establishing God's government. The widespread establishment of the priesthood among this is important but at this time I have not been called to do so."

I think it's interesting that he makes the distinction between God's church and government. Remember, when Christ visits Elisha, He says He is establishing a kingdom unto Himself. Also, when the three visitors confer the priesthood upon Elisha, he doesn't record them ordaining him to any office. Rather, he is solely authorized to preach and teach.

Does the reference in Suran 6 & 8 to the law given to the children of Israel refer to the law given to Moses? If so, how is it that David the Levite would have possessed this law if he was born in the same generation of Moses and had escaped into the wilderness? Did he have the law given from Moses after the exodus and before his escape?
"Yes and no. The descendants of Ophir [from Shem] were not under the Law of Moses. [It hadn't been given yet.] Yet, the descendants of David [from Levi] were." After these people came together, there was a unified law that was equitable for both people. "David was born [several generations] after Moses.... This is not clear in the currently published portion, but is clear in The History of the Ophir.... He had the law of Moses."

We'll discuss this in a few chapters. There was a big brouhaha over which law was the right one among these mixed peoples -- the law of the Patriarchs or Moses.

Who and what does Suran 9-11 refer to in Filipino history?
He talked briefly about chapter 9, but I think some things got lost in translation. Chapters 10-11 are a symbolic prophecy about the history of the Philippines and their ally and enemy nations.

Who are the five datu? Where is the palace of the datu? Who are the clans and armies and kingdoms of the datu? Has the secret gathering of the kingdoms of the datu spoken of in Ahkman 37 already taken place?
"Five lords or kings that will rule a kingdom of mercenary warriors. They will be established after the publishing of the Aklatan. I don't know if this has already been completed or not.... To my knowledge [the palace] has not been built yet but it is possible that it already has been.... The clans are the kingdoms of the five datu. They are a warrior people.... [The secret gathering has] not to my knowledge [taken place]. Yet, because I don't know who the five datu are, I can't say for certain that it has not happened."

These datu and their palace are referenced in Ahkman 33-37. It's interesting that he doesn't know if all this has happened yet. Seems to be beyond his calling and jurisdiction.

What does Enoch's vision of the bulls represent, and why is it important?
"I don't know the answer to this yet. I assume it is about a prophecy which will be fulfilled."

This is from Akhman 29--Enoch's dream of white, red, and black bulls. I still haven't researched yet myself but am excited to get there. There might be a match somewhere among other Enoch apocrypha.

Are there any eyewitnesses to the claims of Elisha, such as completing the translation by 1987?
"There are no witnesses to the translation. There are witnesses to my preaching since that time... scattered throughout the Philippines."

Does Elisha regularly receive revelations/prophecies?
"My revelations usually come in groups centered around certain topics. I won't say that they occur regularly, however they have occurred throughout my life since my vision. I hope someday to publish my journals, so others can learn of my experiences."

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