
Hello! Shalom! Aloha! Mabuhay!

If this is your first visit to Modern Apocrypha, I have only two recommendations for continuing on with minimal confusion:

1) Please begin with the first introductory post (found HERE) and work your way forward. Almost all the posts on this blog flow chronologically and will make more sense with the background and context of previous ones. Jumping in anywhere might be disorienting.

2) Please read along in the texts posted off to the right. I try not to summarize too much in the commentary and discussion, and being at least somewhat familiar with what we're discussing or I'm commenting on will be most beneficial and edifying for all involved. Plus, going along with the theme of this blog, any hidden truths to be brought to light will be found within the text itself and not necessarily within my ramblings.

Okay, fine, three recommendations:

3) Please read with an open heart, mind, and spirit. See what truths you can find in these works--ones which speak to you. Namaste : )


Namwaran was a righteous man who hearkened unto the Lord. And behold he had lived all his days in the City by the River. For this city was a place devoted unto God. And he learned the ways of God when he was young. Yea, he learned the words of the prophets even Suran, and Ahkman, and even the words of Christ, and Datara. And he knew of the history of the Mahardika and how they had fallen from favor with God. And how they had divided themselves into tribes each according to his own language. And He also learned of the Kings who had risen among the people and the rich people who did have dominion over the peoples of these lands. And behold Namwaran did serve the people of the city and did his part to keep righteousness upon the land. Now Namwaran was called of God to preach the gospel to the unbelieving people. And in the twenty-first year of His life he took himself up and began to teach the people. And Yea, he did teach a great many people about the ways of God, and about his commandments. But behold the people did reject him for they were hardened in their hearts. And they did reject the ways of Christ. Now many people did become angered with the believers. For the believers did constantly send people to preach the gospel. And the unbelievers did grow tired of the intrusions of the believers into their lives. And they would that the believers should let them alone. Wherefore many non-believers did speak harshly unto the believers. And many did say, I was born unto the religion of my parents and I shall die in the religion of my parents. And yea, their hearts were hardened. And it was because of this unwillingness to learn more of the ways of God that God cursed them with poverty, and with plagues, and with contentions. And yea the land was cursed with a great heat even so much that all the land was bathed in bright sunlight during the day. And because of this great heat the skin of the people was darkened. And God revealed unto the people through the prophets and teachers that until the day shall come that the people return unto God the cursing should remain. And after hearing this many people did curse God. And because of their wickedness God did increase the curse upon the land insomuch that there should be only two seasons, the season of the great heat. And the season of great rain. And it shall remain so until the return of the Lord during the time when the seasons shall be confused, and the world shall be in turmoil.
And it came to pass that Namwaran did speak all those things he was commanded. And after this manner did he teach the people. And it came to pass that many of the people did hate the believers and they took up their weapons and went to war against the City by the River. And many believers were slain but behold they did repel the invaders. Now behold upon hearing this Namwaran did make his return unto the City by the River. And after many days he did arrive home. And behold he found many of his family had been killed by the invaders. And Namwaran mourned greatly. But it was a time of great sorrow and joy for behold Ruman, the son of the brother of Namwaran, was yet alive and being cared for by a family of believers. And he did run unto the son of his brother and embrace him. And he wept greatly because of the joy he felt, for God had preserved the son of his brother. And he took the son of his brother unto his home. And together they did rebuild it. And Namwaran taught the son of his brother in the ways of God in the same manner that he had been taught. Yea, he did teach unto the son of his brother the atonement of Christ. For Christ had been born in a far away land and there he suffered for the sins of all mankind and he gave up his life. And it was through this that He overcame death. And because of His great sacrifice all those who believe in him may be saved. And behold Ruman did ask his father’s brother, Is it enough for a man to believe in Christ? And Namwaran did say unto the son of his brother, What do the scriptures say? And Ruman spake unto him, They do say that our works are as worthless scraps before God. And Namwaran did say unto the son of his brother, You speak correctly. For there is nothing we can do to enter the Heavenly Kingdom of God except it be through Christ. Wherefore can a man who rejoiceth in wickedness and do all manner of sin enter into God’s Heavenly Kingdom? And Ruman said unto him, Nay. And Namwaran spake saying, But the man doth believe in Christ, is it not written that all those who believe shall be saved? And the son of his brother did speak unto him saying, Yea, it is written, but is it not also written that no dirty thing may enter into God’s Heavenly Kingdom? And he sayeth unto the son of his brother, Yea, so it is enough to only believe? And Ruman spake saying, Nay, for if one believes but does not seek to obey the commandments his belief is counted as naught. But only those who shall seek obey the commandments and believe can enter into God’s Heavenly Kingdom. And he spake unto Ruman, You speak the truth, for if a man believe but seeketh not to obey the commandments his belief is a lie. And he that lieth committeth a sin, and he who sinneth and repent not cannot bear God’s presence and cannot enter His Heavenly Kingdom. And Namwaran taught many more things unto Ruman, the son of his brother.
And it came to pass that Namwaran did also learn the arts of battle. And he did so that he might defend himself and the son of his brother from those who hated the believers. And he did practice with all manner of weapons and did spend many years perfecting his movements and skill. Wherefore he did gain confidence and humility even so much that he did successfully defend the City by the River from many attacks by non-believers and, Yea, he did become a warrior of great renown. And he did also teach these arts unto Ruman. And it came to pass that in the twenty-eighth year of Namwaran’s life the Chief of the great Kingdom of Tundun did hear of the great warrior. And the Chief did send a messenger to call Namwaran to appear before him. And Namwaran did leave the duty unto Ruman to defend the city and took his travel to the Kingdom of Tundun. And after the space of many days he did arrive and appear before the Chief. And the Chief did call upon Namwaran to raise an army to defend the Kingdom of Tundun. For the tribes outside of the Kingdom of Tundun were jealous of the favor that had been given unto the Kingdom. For the foreign powers did look favorably upon the Kingdom of Tundun. And they did give aid unto the Kingdom. And the tribes did desire to steal that aid so that they could become rich. And Namwaran did agree to train an army. And the Chief of Tundun did desire to know what payment Namwaran desired with which to compensate him. And one of the Chief’s advisers had a daughter whose name was Jydana. And he spake unto the Chief saying, Let him take my daughter Jydana to wife. Wherefore we may assure his loyalty unto our Kingdom. And the Chief spoke unto Namwaran saying, In addition to the payment though shalt request I will give unto you the daughter of my adviser. For she is very fair and beautiful to look upon. And Namwaran said unto the Chief, the payment I request is only that I may also use the army to defend the cities of the believers. And behold the Chief agreed, for there was not any contention between the Kingdom of Tundun and the believers. And Namwaran also spake saying, I know not if I can take your adviser’s daughter to wife for I know not if she is given unto me of the Lord. For it is the ways of the believers that a man cannot take a woman to wife save she is given unto him of God. For it is only though the Spirit of God that a family can grow in faith and righteousness. And behold it is the belief of the believers that if a man shall be bound to a wife or two, or three, or as many as are given unto him, in a sacred place they shall remain bound together. And all the children they have shall be bound with them. And this is a strong belief of the believers. For it is very important. Wherefore allow me to meet her and to court her and also that I may know of God if she hath been given unto me. And the Chief did agree for he did not share the belief of the believers, but he did not demand that it be rejected.
And it came to pass that Namwaran did go up to the house of the daughter of the Adviser. And he did meet the daughter. And he beheld her and that she was very beautiful. And his desire was unto her for he had experienced much loneliness. And he did converse with her. But she had not a desire unto him. Wherefore Namwaran departed the land and returned unto his home. But he was not discouraged. For he did send unto her writings of great love. And he did pour out his heart unto her. And the desire of her heart began to turn unto him. And she did begin to love him. And he did speak unto her concerning his beliefs and those things which were important to his heart.
And it came to pass that Jydana did covert unto the ways of Christ. And she was baptized in the waters of the Great Bay by the City of the River. And Namwaran did baptize her. And because there was no longer any temple in the land, for the sacred things had since been removed to a place of safety. Namwaran did construct a tabernacle out of bamboo. And he and Jydana were married after the holy fashion in the tabernacle.
And Jeydana did bear Namwaran a daughter. And Namwaran did train his army for many years. Now after these years Jeydana did also bear a son. Now behold Ruman did remain in the City by the River and he did continue to work among the city for there had a risen much unrighteousness among the believers for they began to turn unto the desires of their hearts rather than the will of God. And Namwaran desiring to provide a righteous household for his family did build a righteous home that there should be an inheritance unto his children. And he did build his home as fortress to protect them from the wicked people in the land.
And it came to pass that many tribes did come unto the Kingdom of Tundun to war against them. And they did bring all manner of weapons. And it came to pass that Namwaran did gather his army. And they did go up to meet the armies of the tribes. And they did begin to war against the armies. And Namwaran did lead the armies in many successful battles against their enemies. And after many years of war Namwaran did leave the command of the armies. For there were fewer wars in the land and the Kingdom of Tundun had become more established in the land. And Namwaran did see that the numbers of believers were decreasing. For some had been killed and others had fallen from their belief because of the strength of the foreign beliefs in the land. And he knew that he must preserve the words of God, for future generations.
And it came to pass that Namwaran did take those words of God which were in his possession and he took them to the mountains. For he knew where the sacred and precious things had been stored, that they might be hidden up. For this knowledge had been passed down by all who had been called High Priests. And did find the cave. And he did store the records within the cave. Now it came to pass that God did speak unto him and command him to gather the records of His words given among the Mahardika. And He did command Namwaran to bring all the records into this cave. And there the records should be preserved until a future time when they should come forth and bring light unto all those who should read them. And behold Namwaran took himself and went abroad in the land and did gather many records. And he went from city to city to gather records. But behold he did see much wickedness in cities that had been cities of believers. And there were very few believers left in the land. For the ways of all the children of Ahkman had been perverted. And they did tear down the worship places of the believers. And they did destroy all the works and records of the believers, insomuch that there were no remnants left of the believers in the land. And this was the reason Namwaran did gather the records. And he did preserve copies of the records from destruction.
And behold Namwaran did journey into a southern land for he knew of a record that did exist there. And he entered the land and went unto the keeper of the records. And he did request to review the records. And the keeper of the record did give him permission to view the records. And Namwaran did enter into his house and did read the records. And Namwaran did find the record which he knew was there. And it was called the Record of the Ancients. And it was so named for it did contain a record of the history of the world from the time of Adam until the time that an ancient people did travel unto these lands. For it did also contain a record of those who were charged with keeping these records. For they did disperse in the earth and become inhabitants of these islands. And thus the records did come into the hands of the people of these islands. And the Record of the Ancients was a very valuable record for it contained much writing and knowledge. And the record was very large. And Namwaran did ask the keeper if the records if he could take the records to keep them. And the keeper of the records refused for he knew they were of great value. And Namwaran offered a great sum of gold in exchange for the records and the keeper of the records agreed that if Namwaran would deliver unto him the gold he would give him the records. And behold Namwaran did take leave of the keeper of the records. And he did travel to the territory of a nearby chief who was an ally of the Chief of Tundun. And Namwaran did approach him. For the Chief did know of the legendary Namwaran. And Namwaran did ask a great favor of the Chief. For he desired to purchase the Record of the Ancients but had not money wherewith to purchase them. And he did ask a favor of the Chief that he might loan the sum of money needed to purchase the record. And the Chief did agree for he knew Namwaran was a servant of the Chief of Tundun and was a loyal and honest man. For he had fought in many battle to protect their lands. And the Chief did deliver unto him the gold. And Namwaran did take the gold to the keeper of the records and did purchase the Record of the Ancients. And he did return with the records to the cave where which he had hid up the other the records.
And it is a righteous work that records should be kept and preserved. For God hath given us an ability to keep records and it is such that the works of our days may be kept. And those generations who keep records shall be judged out of the records they keep. And they who might keep records but do not keep them, shall be judged severely.
Now this was the great prophecy of Namwaran. And behold after many years Namwaran did finish gathering the records of the Mahardika. And he had taken them to a secret cave and hidden them there. And the number of these records was great. And Namwaran had grown to a great age and had endured much hardship from the gathering of these records. For behold he had traveled the whole land round about to gather these records. And it was his intention to bring many of these records together and form a book which would go forth among the descendants of Suran in the last days. But behold Namwaran did pass away before he could begin the work. And he died in favor with God for he had brought to pass much righteousness and he was a righteous man.


  1. I thought it was really cool when I found out about the Laguna Copperplate. I have tried to see if the copperplate has been verified to be authentic. From what I've seen in my research it seems to be. Do you know if anyone has tested the copperplate or publicly proven it's authenticity? I am confident that it is authentic.

    1. The National Museum of the Philippines believes it to be authentic, and other Tagalog scholars have performed their own translations of it, matching the original of Postma.
